This post is part of a series covering an international corporate assignment. For a brief introduction to this trip, click here
Jakarta - Of the six cities we visited this was the most disappointing. Hot & muggy. Grey, smoggy skies. Flat, dull terrain. Stayed in a mundane hotel with weak food and even weaker air conditioning. We did have a nice meal out at a restaurant in a nearby upscale mall. The bill for three of us was 1.2 million rupiah. And I found a good deal on Bolle sunglasses to replace the pair I’d left in a cab in Dubai. Was glad to leave for Singapore.

Eric – Safety Engineer – The Schneider office in Jakarta had a bit more to work with visually. It was the only facility of the six we visited that had a manufacturing area and part of Eric’s job is to video tape various manufacturing processes. It was good to have a non office environment in which to shoot.
Eric’s hobby is stand up comedy. We had to travel from his office to a small hot, smoky coffee shop in a distant suburb of Jakarta where he sometimes performs. Because this wasn’t an actual gig for him, he had recruited a few (very few) friends to sit in as an audience. I had to get creative with angles and placement of people to imply it was a real show. Fairly certain at least some of the jokes he was telling his friends were at my expense as I was moving all around the dingy stage.