This post is part of a series covering an international corporate assignment. For a brief introduction to this trip, click here
Bangalore, now officially referred to as Bengaluru, was the most fascinating of the six cities I visited. The 5 star Oberoi Hotel, which had stout barricades & armed guards in the driveway and large x-ray machines through which we had to put our 12 cases of gear upon every entry, was otherwise a relaxing oasis from the intensity of the streets outside. The car rides to and from the job sites were adventures in sight and sound. A cacophony of scooters, buses, cars, people, poverty and the occasional sacred cow. Photo material at every turn.

Nithya – Finance Executive – friendly and photogenic. Her work area was rather sparse, but several colorful colleagues were willing to pose with her in various spots around the office.
Nithya’s hobby is Bharatanatyam - traditional Indian dance. After the office shoot, we drove several kilometers to a small building in a tight urban neighborhood. We had to schlep up to the 3rd floor of her instructor’s small residence to reach the dance studio. Although it was hot and rather grimy, the combination of blue plastic and warm bamboo walls, along with large windows on all sides, made it a wonderful space in which to photograph Nithya dancing.