Airbus A380 Double Decker
With the launch of this recently refreshed web site and persistent encouragement from my web designer Sergio Enciso, I’ve decided to dip my toes into the blogging pond. These first posts showcase work from an overseas corporate photo assignment I undertook last fall for Schneider Electric.
It had been 23 years since we’d last spoken. I received a phone call last summer from photographer David Parnes. We had both attended a photo workshop in Rockport, Maine in 1992, lead by Burt Glynn, a founding member of the Sygma photo agency.
David was in the process of booking a “once in a lifetime” corporate assignment for Schnieder Electric: Twelve cities around the globe, two portrait subjects per city. Each subject would be still-photographed in their work environment - with and without colleagues - and at a separate location engaged in their personal hobby. One subject per city would also be video taped. David works regularly with the Brighton-based video production company, Ecast, who had landed the project from Schnieder. Because the locations were spread out over four hemispheres, Schnieder decided to send out two teams, each consisting of a still shooter, videographer and producer. In the process of looking for a 2nd still shooter, David saw my web site, recalled that we had gotten along well and liked that we have similar shooting styles. After meeting with the clients and two pressure-filled test shoots at Schneider’s local facility, I was asked to join team B – with videographer Griffin Nash and producer Anne Marie Charland.
Destinations: Dubai, Bangalore, Jakarta, Singapore, Sydney, Beijing.